Your Medieval Horoscope for 2024

For our 2022 advent calendar, we decided to create a set of magazine covers in the likeness of Dolly or Cosmopolitan that capture the medieval essence. If such a journal could have existed, what sort of articles would it have contained? Anything and everything to assist the young maiden about to set out on her life’s journey as a wife and mother, and once there, all the information needed to be a good spouse and keep her husband satisfied, and at home when not away soldiering.

Such were our efforts that we now find ourselves tasked with writing some of these articles!  Well, why not? It might be fun… So please enjoy the below from the December issues of The Chastity Belt.

It must also be mentioned that some articles in these blogs are written as they would have appeared directly in the ‘magazine’, whilst others, due to wanting to be as informative as possible, are written from the present-day point of view. Either way, please enjoy.

Dearest Maidens,

I greet you with well wishes and cheer for the year ahead and urge you to set your sights on all that you dream for the future. And what does your heart desire the most? Could it be a new love? Additional coins in your purse? Or perhaps a journey to a foreign land.  I have consulted the heavens and willingly share my predictions for the months ahead in the hope it will better your lives. Please do not hold me to account should the following not be forthcoming as the zodiac is not set in stone and your own actions also influence any outcomes.

Lady of the Oracle

Aries March 21-April 19

You are often overly-opinionated, which will lead to trouble. However, sometimes the same dominant factor can help win some extremely hard battles. I predict that even though you may overreact at times, the year ahead will be a strong one. These challenges will but add to your charm, and may indeed encourage you to become a better person. Hard times are meant to test you. Battling the ups and the downs will be difficult, but you know how to deal with the emotional turmoil. My personal advice – make plans to travel, visit a distant relative and you will be rewarded.

Taurus April 20-May 20

You have the gift of concentration and can push aside the many annoying trivialities that both anger and distract others. But I see that you will clash with friends and family by misunderstanding their motivations. Be wary, as this may harm the very relationships you have been trying so hard to build. Take time to consider both sides of the argument before making your decisions. My personal advice – should he gift you a ruby necklace, cast it aside for it will bring naught but bad luck!

Gemini Horoscope 2023 May 21-June 20

There are two sides to your reflection, and it is often difficult for you to share your true emotions. Saturn will soon enter your realm and will cause confusion and mistrust. But you are not always better on your own and there are times when it is wise to reach out and gain the assistance of another. Look inside your heart and let your feelings guide you, for the knight of your dreams may be the very man that you rejected so long ago. My personal advice – consider wearing gowns of emerald green to the most important events in the first half of the year for it will bring you good luck and fine health.

Cancer June 21-July 22

This is the year to let your passions run wild and with the right attitude, you will succeed where you have previously failed. Do not give in to the constant conflict within yourself. Take time to remain calm, think before you act and push aside the fear of the judgment of others. Have faith and all will reveal itself to you. My personal advice – stay away from roasted swan for it will upset your humours.

Leo Horoscope 2023 July 23-August 22

Yes, you may be brave, but you also need to show your vulnerability if you want to secure the heart of the man of your dreams. There will be challenges ahead, but you will not fear facing those difficulties, just remember to reach out and seek his help when needed. Cherish the moments you have instead of worrying about what you are missing for you never can be sure what awaits you in the future.  My personal advice – stay clear of the jousts in the first half of the year and do not ride alone through the forest.

Virgo Horoscope 2023 August 23-September 22

You are one of the most agreeable women in your circle and make friends easily, but I see a dark face in the shadows, waiting to steal something from you. Take care when sharing knowledge with others, lest it be misconstrued for gossip.  Both Mars and Mercury will cast their influence upon you providing ample opportunities and blessings later in the year, allowing you to move forward into the light and leave behind any unhappiness that may have come you way after Christmastide. My personal advice – do not wear the gifted jewels received last year, instead regift them to a beloved family member.

Libra Horoscope 2023 September 23-October 22

Balance is the key to your calmness; however, you must search your own heart to discover what influence you have brought to the changes that are occurring around you. Saturn is waiting to test your temper, which may escape many times this year. You must learn to be honest with yourself and communicate your feelings to those around you. Denying your true opinions to protect others is both dishonest and hurtful as contentment can only be achieved when you are open with the ones you love. My personal advice – now is not the time to change your wardrobe. Stick with the colours that have worked for you in the past, which includes all shades of blue.

Scorpio Horoscope 2023 October 23-November 21

Though you enjoy your own company above all others, you cannot spend another year avoiding people. Jupiter will soon transit your relationship sphere which will help change your perceptions – now is the time for you to push aside your aversion of friendship. So, take the sting from your tail and reach out to another maiden and who knows, you might actually enjoy yourself. My personal advice – stay away from bay mares until at least Yuletide.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 November 22-December 21

Bright and vivacious – two words closely associated with you but sometimes confused with cocky and overtly flirty. Time to take a good look at your behaviour and learn when you have crossed the line, else you may lose the companionship of the social circle you so enjoy.  Both Venus and Jupiter will be present at Hocktide, so take care not to appear too ‘available’ as you may attract the attention of an unwanted admirer. Many single Sagittarians may find themselves attached by December, and perhaps a little overwhelmed by their upcoming nuptials, but rest assured, your future looks bright and happy. My personal advice – stay away from risky activities and monitor both your words and behaviour when addressing a neighbour.

Capricorn Horoscope 2023 December 22-January 19

Hurdles come and go, but Capricornians never give up! There may be times when you are misunderstood and the behaviour of others is hurtful, but you are always the first to apologise and move forward. But like many before you, there will come a time in your life when you have to draw a line in the sand and think of yourself and your happiness. Saturn will attempt to block your actions but once the planet moves away, your path will be clearer, and your determination set. Pay no heed to those who which to dissuade you, stick to your nobility and follow what you are best at – being yourself! My personal advice – attend as many balls, jousts and royal events as possible for you are destined to meet many influential people.

Aquarius Horoscope 2023 Jan 20-Feb 18

Ever the quiet achiever, this year you will break your bonds and shine like the star you were born to be. The next 12 months appear to be filled with many moments of success and you will be handsomely rewarded for your efforts. And you need not feign surprise, for you have worked hard to achieve your standing and reputation and though some may jealously wish to tear down your reign, you will rise above the tribulations and lead with great decorum. My personal advice – consider the motives of those around you as many will want to saddle their horse alongside yours. But you must take care and be wary of their actions for I see many who wear two faces, with only one side revealed at a time.

Pisces Horoscope 2023 Feb 19-March 20

In all aspects of your life, the planetary transits allow you to spread happiness and attract the same in return. You ooze good luck, and your circle of friendship is every expanding. Now is a good time to befriend a Scorpion, who is in desperate need of a confidante.  Mars will transit your sphere in late spring, so take time to prepare to face any challenges that may be thrown your way. Married Pisceans may welcome an unexpected child to the family before Yuletide, which will bring untold joy and happiness. My personal advice – stop fishing for compliments. You do not need everyone to tell you just how beautiful you for it is clear in your reflection.

We wish all our lovely readers a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe New Year.

Catherine A Wilson co-writes with Catherine T Wilson (no relation). Their first book, The Lily and the Lion, was based upon their true-life accidental meeting and resulting friendship. All four books in their ‘Lions and Lilies’ series have won first place prizes in the Chatelaine/Chaucer Awards in the US and in 2019, The Traitor’s Noose won the Grand Prize Chaucer Award.

The Lily and the Lion – 1st Place Chanticleer Chatelaine Award – 2014

The Order of the Lily – 1st Place Chanticleer Chatelaine Award – 2015

The Gilded Crown – 1st Place Chanticleer Chaucer Award – 2016

The Traitor’s Noose – Grand Prize WINNER Chanticleer Chaucer Award – 2017

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